Are you nuts, Michigan?
by G. Polvinale 06/21/12

Well, are you? I must have got it wrong, because the way I understand it, you're allowing your elected representatives to silence a woman - 2 women - 2 people - because they dare to speak about the real issue behind the rhetoric? Come on. Then you think like you play football (come on - had to slip in a little humor - this news story is giving me an upset stomach).

Do Scott Walker and the Koch bros truly own the state? Does everyone up there really believe the election wasn't manipulated by advertising and machine hacking? Are a handful of women the only ones who stand up to these corporate-owned roboreps and their gestapo tactics?

Michigan, open up your collective mouth and support these brave women fighting for their American right to freedom of expression. They had to perform a play to say the truth.

Nix Violence Against Women Act?
by G. Polvinale 04/10/12

What if a terrorist group decided to let all the wild animals out of all the major zoos in the United States? And what if those wild animals proceeded to eat many people in the surrounding communities all across America? What excuse would the guys who let all the animals have when they were arrested and brought to trial for murder? They knew the animals would eat the people when they let them out.

So is Congress going to be guilty of every black eye and every mangled woman and every dead one? When you let those animals run free and do what you know they are going to do, you are the guilty one. And it's you who should be receiving apt punishment. [Note to Ted Nugent -- I didn't say that activist judges should go out and kill members of Congress.]