Wikileaks: Hillary staged coup
by G. Polvinale 07/23/16

This released on the wire an hour ago on NDTV website (India) picked up by the Associated Press. Bernie Sanders' run for the White House was sabotaged. The rest of the world is starting to report this... even if American Corporate Media won't per their marching orders. Pieces are beginning to fit that connect Hillary Clinton, Big $$$, Mega Corporations, Obama, The DNC, and Sanders' mugging. At some point, American news outlets will have to report it, and Hillary's Groupies will figure out that she is a fraud, a liar, a criminal and makes the Wicked Witch of the West look like Mother Teresa. But they will never admit it, and guess who will be standing in the way of "unity" in the Democratic Party then?

There will certainly be some news to cover this week at the Democratic convention. Let's just see if the Corporate Media covers the 'behind the scenes' details this week as in depth as they covered the Trump family's nothing speeches at the Republican nothing convention, where they had nothing to say except "Don't vote for Hillary". Every show on TV and cable diverted their entire week to talking about the Republicans nothing convention. What do ya' think? Will they do the "Woodward and Bernstein" journalistic thing for a change? Or will they smokescreen whatever disinformation is needed to bury what took place and what is taking place right now at the DNC?

The government of the most revered country in the world is in the process of being stolen. Now that's big news (reporters spent all week talking about the coup in li'l ol' Turkey, and Republicans are still rattling on about Benghazi). Now we need to know what happened here, right in front of us. Now we need the brightest spotlights of the world focused on this week's Democratic Convention, where it will all unfold. Now we need the human race's best political minds analyzing truthfully what's going on, above and under the table in Cleveland. Now we need heads to roll. Now we need the wrongs made right. Now, before it becomes indelible. And now, Clinton supporters will have to choke on their own words... "Do you want to be the reason Trump wins?"

Attack of the Clinton Machine
by G. Polvinale 04/12/16

Man. I'm seeing so much pure venom and hatred of Bernie coming from Clinton supporters. Doing their best to minimize his candidacy. Nitpicking and cherry-picking the facts, like kids in the schoolyard, "Nyaa nyaa, nyaa nyaaaaa nyaaaaa."

Clinton takes the majority of her money from corporations (they didn't donate out of the goodness of their hearts - they want something in return)... Bernie doesn't take corporate money. Clinton's whole life has been haunted by shady deals that could never quite be proven in court. Clinton says tweaking the banks will fix the rampant corruption running through our entire financial system... Bernie wants to go after the root of the problem, eliminate the power of the big banks and wallstreet. Bernie wants and will work to guarantee us all -- men, women and children -- a decent living, decent retirement, decent healthcare, a decent education, free from corporate domination (anything in there that is unAmerican?)... Clinton thinks this is pie-in-the-sky.

Many of her supporters follow in robotic lockstep. The big mantra is, "How ya gonna pay for it?" Trillions -- T R I L L I O N S -- in ungodly wealth, most of it earned from ripping us off, are being stashed away in hidden untouchable accounts (keep your eye on the future releases from the Panama Papers and similar truthouts. All we have to do is take it back. They took it from us -- so now we take it back from them, inject it back into the economy, and give all Americans a chance to experience living in America -- not just the ones who were lucky enough to hang onto their jobs in the Great Recession, or the fortunate ones born with the silver spoon, or those who exploit our legal and economic system for their own financial Mount Everest pile of money, or the politicians.

And Clinton supporters are doing their damnedest to vilify Bernie Sanders and ridicule his supporters to rationalize their threats of not voting for him if he wins the nomination. I find a good many of them (not all) arrogant and pushy in their rhetoric, like they are entitled to the nomination somehow. And how dare you even think of speaking up for someone else, let alone a "socialist". I'm proud to have the opportunity to support a Presidential candidate as forward thinking and caring as Bernie Sanders. And I hope the majority of Americans will vote for policies that raise the American people up, not give corporate America a raise.

Who is really handing it to Trump?
by G. Polvinale 07/10/16

I don't know if FBI Director James Comey is complicit or not in what is fast becoming the biggest "Watergate style" coverup of all time, the Clinton email server. I do know I can see prominent people throwing body blocks all the way up, even Obama himself running interference for her. But the included well thought out comment Jerry Zerback made on this post leaves me optimistic that Hillary Clinton may not skate off into the sunset unscathed from her lies (which sound remarkably like those of her husband when he looked right into the camera and said "I did not have sex with that woman").

The Democrats have a chance to do the right thing for the American people -- elect an honest Bernie Sanders -- and they are turning their backs quick as they can on that whole train of thought in their rush to be included as groupies for a pathological liar.

Don't start. No, I didn't get that from Fux News. And I didn't get that from a list of political talking points. I did manage to get extremely irritated that the entire Democratic political organization, from the robot drones at the bottom shaking their fingers at me, all the way to the Chief Executive himself standing by Clinton's side pitching her bull, is willing to go forward without my confidence and without my vote (and millions more just like it) only to put Trump in the White House.

The next time some Hillary cheerleader is ready to open their mouth and tell me if Trump wins it'll be my fault, they should ask themselves, "Who is really handing the election to Trump?"

Logic, Reason Fallen Far Behead
by G. Polvinale 01/18/15

Logic and reason doesn't do it anymore. I've had to face the fact that half the country simply will not change their minds or their votes. The GOP has half a dozen specific hot button issues - that one thing people won't tolerate - different for everyone and strong enough to recruit them into this insane sanctioned terrorism they call the contemporary GOP.

Those Tea Party jihadists are greedy enough and Fox News keeps them scared enough that they will do anything asked of them by the people who claim to be their saviors. Even stand by and cheer as they watch their neighbors sink into poverty, become sick and die one by one... as long as they have theirs. Then they turn it around and call you an un-American bleeding heart socialist when you try to logically convince them to do right by their neighbors who are in trouble.

And all this has become so ingrained into the fabric of contemporary America that it's invisible to most people. It's just the way it's done. Even some Progressives have a hard time seeing it for what it is.

With half the country robotized, the rigged elections, law enforcement gone wild and corporations running amok, America is no longer a safe place for people to live. And denial won't fix it. We have to pull our collective head out of our matrix and take a good look around at ourselves as a nation first. Then go at fixing the problem like our ass is on fire... because it is.


The New American Socialist Right
by G. Polvinale 01/17/15

Right wing Temporary Socialistic Amnesia. RTSA. Ever heard of it? Of course not. I just coined the term. But it's a solid denial tactic traditionally and liberally used by the people with the money, who want more money, more of other people's money and want to lose none of theirs to others... regardless of the reason.

Why is it the right wing turns over every rock to stamp out socialism wherever they find it... until it's something they want to make mandatory? Like no same sex marriages, no pregnancy terminations, forced vaccinations? I can hear it now - "It's in the best interest of everyone."

What is in everyone's best interest is quality healthcare for every US citizen, a guaranteed living income for every elderly person, a real education for all Americans, law enforcement that serves rather than bullies the people who pay them, and a Congress of representatives who understand the concept that their constituents are not supposed to be the corporations.

What is in everyone's best interest is for people who are well off to lose the myopic, naive denial, "I worked hard for it. Why should everybody else be handed something and me pay for it? Make them go out there and work for it. I don't want money coming out of my pocket to keep somebody else from starving."

But arrogant, self centered, sociopaths sure as hell embrace any tax break, subsidy or government sponsored freebie they fall into with a smug, "Why not? It's mine. I'm not going to pass that up. I'm entitled to it as much as anybody else."

Right wing Temporary Socialistic Amnesia. Don't you love it? It's there when you need it... and always, always a ready justification on the tip of the tongue. And it works every time.